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Pangolin Coloring Pages

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Pangolin Coloring Page
Cute Pangolin Coloring Page
Pangolin Coloring Page For Kids
Pangolin Coloring Page
Pangolin Coloring Page

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Uncover the mysteries of the world's most trafficked mammal with the "Pangolin" coloring category. Pangolins are unique and highly threatened mammals known for their scaly armor, long tongues, and specialized digging abilities. They have a cylindrical body, short legs, and a prehensile tail. Pangolins are insectivores, feeding primarily on ants and termites. They have long, sticky tongues that they use to extract insects from nests. Pangolins are covered in scales made of keratin, which provide protection against predators. Unfortunately, pangolins are heavily targeted by illegal wildlife trade due to the belief in their scales' medicinal properties. Did you know that pangolins are capable of curling into a ball when threatened, exposing their tough scales to deter predators? Immerse yourself in the world of pangolins and let your colors raise awareness about their conservation and the need for their protection.